Currently the rose history proves that the creation of the delicate and fragrant have been really more than the love, consideration, thought and care. The history is rich with many of the civilizations and cultures, using rose for the basis of mythological stories and poems. Basically stand out for many things, but no other flowers possess beauty and elegance more than rose. Many of the legends of mythology are leading figure on the basis of the rose, also the heroic feats stood for the various representations of the religions through the years. There are various breeds and hybrids of rose, which makes us really think that how different they could be. Rose has found the way through many of the years of cultivating and growing for growing the proper species of it. Actually the history has not been able to identify that when the first rose was discovered and domesticated, however we know that Egyptians around 300 B.C were so much in love with rose and hence they adopt it as flower instead of lotus. The rose history will also tell you that Rosacea is the flower of its family; many of people have used the beauty of long stemmed as the great admiration and gesture of the love. So long it has this way, that rose will stay permanently as world’s most loved and favorite flower.
The rose history also brought us to time when it started first as the religious and mystical symbol. At the time of mythology rose came into existence, when god decided to rule earth. And then the Greeks dubbed it have the king of flowers. They thought that when the Aphrodite was born the rose was born. The flower was associated with the love and beauty of Aphrodite. Many of the paintings of the history have shown the delicate, budding and beautiful flower as the symbol of everything which is good and pure. The flowers were also shared the depiction which the religion saw. When the Christ crucifixion was in hand, there were the horny stems of the rose which fashioned his mock crown placing on his head. Thus when we study the history of rose, we can find out that how the rose came into existence and the status of symbolizing love, beauty and all the good things. However many of the people wonder that, why such kind of beautiful flower has been on the thorny base. Many people say it’s the individual’s symbol which should be reminded, that before reaching the beauty and the profound meaning, he/her have to go through pains, trials and tribulations. The thrones stand for these things of pain, trial and tribulations. If it’s not the case, then there must be an better theory.

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